Monday, April 09, 2007

TigerTranslate in New York part9

The artworks will go to different places after the TigerTranslate event in Xchange. Now its at Powerhouse Arena, 38 Main Street, DUMBO Brooklyn, NY 11201-1021. After that will be at

TigerTranslate in New York part8

During the event...

TigerTranslate in New York part7

Beautiful view from the roof top of the TigerTranslate's event. Breathless.

TigerTranslate in New York part6

It's a real mess before the event!

TigerTranslate in New York part5

Me, myself and my works.

TigerTranslate in New York part4

People started having interactions with the cubes.

TigerTranslate in New York part3

Artists at work.
At this New York installment (31/3), we (surface2air, Stephen, Jing and me) were given 35 cubes for 4 of us, allowing each artist to customize their individual sides.
p/s: thanks Steve, Niki and Chris for helping when we were so stress up for rushing the installation within a few hours.

TigerTranslate in New York part2

The TigerTranslate's posters are everywhere in SOHO.

TigerTranslate in New York part1

TASK: to customise a fridge for the TigerTranslate event on 31March07.
DEADLINE: less than 2 days, to be exact, should be less than 12 hours.